In the Press
Sky News, Nov 2023
Click to watch DW’S report on our heritage boat-building training centre in Lamu, 9th January 2023
Malunde, 19th April 2021
UNI India, 13th February 2019
KTV Online, 13th February 2019 - (swahili)
World Economic Forum, February 2019
SA Express
January 2019 - Floating on Flip-Flops, SA Express Inflight magazine
The Star
12th January 2019 - The first recycled plastic boat and its maiden voyage from Lamu to Zanzibar.
Why I love Kenya
December 2018 - Flipping the trend with “Kenya’s own world-famous dhow”
Daily Nation
December 2018 - Our boat builder Ali Skanda’s effort has been recognised by being identified as a kenyan hero.
October 2018 - Kenyan volunteers taking the matter of plastic pollution into their own hands.
Al Jazeera
16th September 2018 - Film about the Flipflopi launch on the World Cleanup Day.
15th September 2018 - The Flipflopi prototype sailed for the first time in the waters off Kenya’s Lamu island.
KTN News
15th September 2018 - Kenya’s leading TV station has been following the Flipflopi from the very beginning.
The Times
9th July 2018 - Triggering Africa’s Blue Planet Moment
ZDF Heute
5th June 2018 - How boats from recycled plastic help people, animals and nature in Lamu.
BBC News
3rd May 2018 - Using flip-flops to build a boat and clean the ocean
Surveyor Magazine
A floating vision of Plastic-Free Seas
Kenya Airways - Msafiri
Solving the plastic problem, in Lamu the local community is building a boat from recycled plastics and flip flops
Pulse Live Kenya
The World's first plastic boat is set to go on water in July
British Airways In-Flight Magazine
Article written by Ben Morison for the British Airways In-Flight Magazine which is brilliant.
Spiegel Online
Plastikmüll ist weltweit ein Problem. Einige Staaten ergreifen harte Maßnahmen im Kampf gegen die Umweltverschmutzung - in Kenia drohen sogar Haftstrafen, wenn jemand eine Plastiktüte nutzt.
Sky News
11th Nov 2017 - Sky News reporters Alan McGuinness’ excellent article and 2 minute news footage highlighting plastic issues and our “ingenious idea to put the plastic polluting our oceans to good use”
LCI (leading French TV News Channel)
6th Nov 2017 – this 4 minute segment broadcast nationally in France exposed the plastics problems faced in Kenya and on The Flipflopi Projects work to address them.
11th Nov 2017 – amazing coverage on the BBC website globally. The 1 minute clip was headline article on BBC News, and BBC Africa sections for a full weekend ensuring our story and key messages were viewed by millions of people worldwide.
Al Jazeera
12th Nov 2017 – Film and article by Al Jazeera journalist Catherine Soi who visited us in Kenya to learn more about the process we’ve developed to turn ocean plastics into our revolutionary sailing boat.
10th Nov 2017 – we were very lucky to have Paris based Reuters journalist Siefried Modola visit us in Lamu in November. Thanks to his excellent article and photography
Fly-SAX Inflight Magazine
What ever floats your boat
Fair Planet
World’s first: the plastic-only boat to fight pollution
What's Good Networks
Kenya’s Plastic Battle and how a Plastic Dhow is Setting Sail to Save the Ocean
Safari Link
A dhow made from plastic?
The Weekend (South Africa) - Quirky Flipflopi Dhow to Carry Plastic Message
A pioneering crew of environmental activists are putting their best foot forward with the flipflopi dhow, a vessel made entirely of recycled plastic - including a whole lot of flip flops - which they will sail 5,000km from Lamu Island off Kenya to Cape Town.
The Flipflopi Expedition featured in South Africa
When innovative Africans create a project that turns abandoned flip-flops and other plastics into a boat that can sail the seven seas, then you know that the circular economy is coming into its own.
#Plasticrevolution in Cumbria
This article by the excellent Sara Royle in the Westmorland Gazette, a regional newspaper in the UK, previews the Flipflopi Exhibition at The Hub in Sedbergh.
Ship on a mission to save oceans
From the Daily Nation - one of Kenya's leading daily newspapers.
Citizen TV interview Sam Ngaruiya
In June 2017 we were invited to attend a Kenya government organised 'Stakeholders forum' on the implementation of the impending plastic bag ban. Here Citizen TV interview Flipflopi team member Sam Ngaruiya.
China's official media press agency Xinhua report on the Flipflopi Project
Here Xinhua - the biggest and most influential media organization in China - report on the launch of our #Plasticrevolution campaign with our Kenya's celebrities film...
The East African
Lamu plastic dhow sails to save oceans
Ben speaking on CNBC Africa
In May 2017 Ben had a brilliant opportunity to speak about business's role in environmental sustainability ( - and despite studio sound issues meaning he could not hear the questions - he got his point across)
Standard Newspaper
Opinion: Plastic revolution is here with us
Recycled plastic boat is set for its maiden voyage to SA
Preparations for The Flipflopi Expedition are on at a Lamu beach, where waste plastic and discarded flip-flops collected from Kenyan beaches and towns are being used to build a 60 foot boat that is destined to sail to Cape Town.
A Malindi based plastic waste company is set to build the first ever dhow made with recycled plastic and discarded flip-flops at a cost of 60 million shillings.
Project Aware
Beach Clean Ups with Kitty Inn
Nomad Magazine
In the second issue of Nomad Magazine, we bring you our pick of private houses and explore the charm of Lamu Island with its distinct culture and rhythm that is quite unlike anywhere else on the Kenyan coast.