Creating innovative solutions to tackle plastic pollution whilst preserving Swahili heritage
Celebrating new mile-stones
Flipflopi enters into partnership with CMA CGM Group to reduce plastic waste and restore mangroves on Pate Island, Lamu.
Mid-year update: Why our full-systems approach is needed now more than ever
Building resilient communities on the shores of Lake Victoria
Lake Victoria Exped 2021, Partners, Plastic Pollution, InnovationThe Flipflopi Project#mwanza, Tanzania, Lake Victoria, Lake Victoria pollution, Plastic Pollution, Plastic Pollution solutions, circular economy, East African Community
East African policymakers unite in efforts to find a harmonised regional approach to beating plastic pollution
Plastik Talks: ‘Less talk, more action’
Bringing remote island communities into the collection and recycling programme: 1 year on..
Accelerating the Plastic Revolution: Our 2022 annual impact report is out
Heritage boat building training centre - our first students have graduated!
Members of East African Youth Parliament call on member states to unite urgently to ban single-use plastics within the East African Community
The artivists tackling plastic pollution from the ghettos of Kampala